Agricultural Subsectors: The Number of Agricultural Household Businesses in Various Subsectors - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sanggau Regency

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Agricultural Subsectors: The Number of Agricultural Household Businesses in Various Subsectors

Agricultural Subsectors: The Number of Agricultural Household Businesses in Various Subsectors

September 30, 2024 | BPS Activities

Agriculture in Sanggau Regency plays a significant role in the local economy, with various subsectors managed by households. The latest data from 2023 shows the distribution of agricultural household businesses across various subsectors, including food crops, plantations, horticulture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, and agricultural services. The following is an in-depth analysis of the available data.

1. Percentage of Agricultural Household Businesses by Subsector Data shows that the general agriculture subsector (which encompasses various other subsectors) has the highest number of households, followed by food crops and plantations. Horticulture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, and agricultural services have fewer households, reflecting the primary focus of households on food crops and plantations as their main sources of income and livelihood


2. Dominance of Food Crop Household Businesses The analysis reveals that most households in Sanggau Regency involved in the food crops subsector prefer to cultivate rice, with a very dominant percentage. Only a small portion of households choose to cultivate other food crops. This indicates a significant reliance on rice as a primary source of food and income for farmers in the region, reinforcing the importance of rice in the local agricultural structure.


3. Main Activities in the Fisheries Subsector In the fisheries subsector, there are two main activities carried out by households: fish farming and fishing. Fish farming activities are almost equal to fishing activities, indicating a balance between the utilization of water resources for aquaculture and for direct capture. This suggests that households in Sanggau Regency use various methods to meet their protein needs and income.


4. Comparison Between Food Crops and Plantations When comparing the focus between food crops and plantations, it is evident that plantations have a more dominant role in the local economy. More than half of the households involved in agricultural businesses choose to engage in plantations. Crops such as oil palm and rubber are likely to be the main crops in this subsector, while food crops like rice are the primary choice for the rest.


This analysis provides a clear picture of household involvement in various agricultural subsectors in Sanggau Regency. The high dependence on food crops and plantations indicates a primary focus on commodities with high economic value and meeting basic food needs. The diversity in other subsectors, such as fisheries and livestock, adds dynamism to the agricultural sector in this region and provides opportunities for economic diversification and increased food security.

Source: Publikasi Hasil Pencacahan Lengkap Sensus Pertanian 2023 - Tahap II: Usaha Pertanian Perorangan (UTP) Peternakan Kabupaten Sanggau

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