Sectoral Statistics Development in Sanggau: Enhancing Data Quality for Development - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sanggau Regency

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Sectoral Statistics Development in Sanggau: Enhancing Data Quality for Development

Sectoral Statistics Development in Sanggau: Enhancing Data Quality for Development

October 2, 2024 | Other Activities

On October 2, 2024, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Sanggau held a Sectoral Statistics Development event for Satu Data Indonesia administrators from regional agencies. The event took place at BAPPEDA Sanggau, featuring presentations from Pak Solikhin of Diskominfo Sanggau and Grujs Farhan Nafis from BPS Sanggau. This event aimed to enhance understanding and synergy between regional agencies in compiling and managing sectoral statistics data.


Goals of the Development

The development session plays a crucial role in ensuring that data produced by regional agencies is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, and accountable. Through this initiative, regional agencies are expected to independently compile metadata in accordance with the standards set by Satu Data Indonesia.


Key Roles in Satu Data Indonesia Implementation

Pak Solikhin emphasized the importance of cross-sector collaboration between Data Supervisors, Walidata, and Data Producers in compiling and disseminating data through the Satu Data Indonesia Portal. Each regional agency must ensure that the data they produce aligns with SDI principles so that it can be widely used by both the government and the public.


Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Implementation (EPSS) 2024

Grujs Farhan Nafis from BPS Sanggau also presented the results of the Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation (EPSS), which showed an improvement in data management quality in 2024. However, several areas still require improvement, particularly in maintaining data validity and accuracy.


Challenges and Recommendations

Some of the challenges in achieving high-quality data include ease of data access, role distribution in statistics, and broad and understandable data utilization. Therefore, BPS will continue to provide assistance to regional agencies to enhance the quality of statistics implementation in Sanggau Regency.



This event provided a platform for BPS and regional agencies to collaborate in improving sectoral statistical data quality. Strong cooperation is expected to support the formulation of development policies based on accurate and accountable data.

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