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Optimizing Data Management: BPS Sanggau Holds Sectoral Statistics Training with Government Agencies

Optimizing Data Management: BPS Sanggau Holds Sectoral Statistics Training with Government Agencies

August 30, 2024 | Other Activities

Sanggau, August 29, 2024 - The Sectoral Statistics Training event was held at the Hall of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sanggau Regency to enhance the understanding and implementation of sectoral data management. The event was attended by BPS Sanggau staff and representatives from various invited Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD). The training was led by Ms. Heny Sucihati from BPS West Kalimantan Province, who delivered key insights related to metadata and statistical recommendations.

The Importance of Metadata and Statistical Recommendations

In her presentation, Ms. Heny Sucihati emphasized that reporting metadata is a crucial aspect of sectoral statistical activities. This year, there is still leniency for units that have not yet reported their metadata, but starting next year, this reporting will become mandatory without exception. Ms. Heny highlighted Domain 5, which covers metadata reporting and statistical recommendations. If these two aspects are not fulfilled, the score for Domain 5 will not reach 3, underscoring the importance of executing these aspects optimally.

The Role of Walidata as a Mediator

Ms. Heny also underscored the importance of Walidata's role as a mediator between OPD and BPS. This role is crucial to ensure that communication and coordination related to statistical data proceed smoothly and efficiently. In the process of preparing statistical reports, good planning should be prioritized over reporting to ensure accurate and reliable results.

Targets and Challenges for Statistical Activities in Sanggau

During further discussions, it was revealed that the target for statistical activities in Sanggau Regency this year is ten activities; however, only two have been achieved so far. Ms. Heny stressed the need for increased efforts to meet these targets. Additionally, there are nine indicators that last year scored one and continue to score one, indicating a need for evaluation and efforts to improve data quality and performance.

Recommendations to Improve Statistical Quality

To enhance the quality of sectoral statistics, Ms. Heny suggested appointing statisticians from other departments if necessary, as long as they are within the scope of local government. This process does not require a Job Analysis (ANJAB) but can be done through a Decree (SK) by the One Data Forum. Additionally, Kominfo can issue an assignment letter for the Indonesia One Data (SDI) administrator, valid for one year and renewable as needed.

Conclusion and Next Steps

The Sectoral Statistics Training concluded with a call to all participants to improve statistical data quality through consistent metadata reporting and the application of statistical recommendations. Ms. Heny also reminded all involved parties of the importance of active participation to achieve the set targets, both in terms of the number of statistical activities and improving indicator scores.

The event ended with further training sessions by the BPS Sanggau team for the attending OPD, aimed at strengthening the understanding of sectoral data management in accordance with the One Data Indonesia standards.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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