The Dominance of Individual Farming in Each Subsector (2023) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sanggau Regency

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The Dominance of Individual Farming in Each Subsector (2023)

The Dominance of Individual Farming in Each Subsector (2023)

September 23, 2024 | BPS Activities


Based on the latest data from the 2023 Agricultural Census, Sanggau Regency shows an interesting pattern in the composition of agricultural business types. This analysis reveals that individual farming enterprises play a dominant role in almost all agricultural subsectors. This article will discuss the distribution of agricultural business types in Sanggau Regency, focusing on the dominance of individual farming and its implications for the development of the local agricultural sector.


Composition of Agricultural Business Types

The data visualization indicates that individual farming is the most dominant type of business across all agricultural subsectors in Sanggau Regency. Key points from this visualization include:

Individual Farming Enterprises: Nearly 100% of activities in agricultural subsectors, such as food crops, horticulture, plantations, livestock, fisheries (both aquaculture and capture fisheries), and forestry, are managed by individual farming enterprises. This highlights a high reliance on individual efforts to manage agricultural resources in the region.

Legally Incorporated Farming and Other Enterprises: Only a small portion of subsectors, like secondary crops (palawija) and aquaculture, have contributions from legally incorporated farming enterprises. In most other subsectors, the presence of legally incorporated farming and other types of agricultural enterprises is almost negligible. This shows that individual farming is more prominent in driving the agricultural economy in Sanggau.

Agricultural Services: While the dominance of individual farming is evident, there is also some representation in the agricultural services subsector. This indicates diversification in providing agricultural-related services, albeit on a very small scale.


Analysis and Implications

This data underscores the significance of individual farming enterprises in the economic structure of agriculture in Sanggau Regency. Some important implications of these findings include:

Agricultural Self-Reliance: The high proportion of individual farming enterprises indicates a high level of self-reliance within the agricultural sector. Individual farmers play a key role in food production and natural resource management.

Opportunities for Diversification: Although individual farming currently dominates, there are opportunities to increase diversity by introducing more legally incorporated farming enterprises. This could include agricultural cooperatives or agribusiness companies that can bring new technologies and more efficient management practices.

Supportive Policies: Given the dominance of individual farming, policies that strengthen the capacity of individual farmers are crucial. Support can include access to resources, training, and technical assistance to enhance productivity and sustainability of agricultural businesses.



The dominance of individual farming in Sanggau Regency highlights the importance of individual farmers in the local economy. To ensure sustainable and productive agriculture, there needs to be a balance between maintaining individual farming and developing other types of enterprises that can provide additional economic benefits. With the right policies, Sanggau Regency can continue to develop a strong and diverse agricultural sector, improving the welfare of local farmers and ensuring better food security.


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